Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Drama Queen..... of Macedonian vineyards - Part I

Macedonia represents one of the oldest and finest wine-making regions in Greece. Drama is probably the "hotspot" of this operation in terms of activity and attention.  During the last 30 years, a continuous and significant investment in capital and human resources had regenerated the ancient tradition of the region. Starting in the mid 80's from a small village named Adriani on the outskirts of Drama, a signifcant number of producers started cultivating foreign varieties (in the beginning) and later on various Greek varieties which adapted well and steadily produce fine wines.

We recently had the chance to visit the area around Drama as well as the nearby Kavala region. We visited 7 vineyards in 3 days and we were really amazed by the passion of all the creative people we met. We started from Athens on a bus, along with our "Teacher" D. Hatzinikolaou; a group of 18 wine fans eager to see Drama and its famous vineyards that we have already tasted in our wine-tasting sessions. The long drive from Athens to Drama was almost a pleasure with the hilarious company of the group. We arrived late at Granitis village where we stayed at the excellent Granitis hotel near K. Nevrokopi, which is ideal as a base for wine touring in the area. Most wineries are less than 30' driving distance from Granitis and people in the hotel and in the area are quite friendly to guide you to the local vineyards.

We first visitited Chateau N. Lazaridi where the local wine revolution started in the mid 80's. A big expansion of the already significant establishment is under construction and will soon be available to the public. The producer creates several labels for the international and local market, based mainly on foreign varieties, either as blends or monovarietal wines. There are lots of good choices in his portfolio, but  we were mostly impressed by the quality of the low-price range (one white and one red blend). Queen of Hearts (Ντάμα Κούπα) a dry white blend and King of Hearts (Ρήγας Κούπα) a dry red wine are great value wines in the <5 euro range.

We then headed to Mikrochori and the boutique winery Wine Art Estate. This small, but professional fast growing, yet family run winery, is really a pleasure to visit. Modern but also cosy, invites you to a long walk in its romantic wine cellar.
We already new well and loved greatly the "Dry White" from Wine Art and we were really anxious to taste its other wines. Although we are not the typical "Malagouzia" enthusiasts we were really amazed by the 2011 harvest. A very fine white wine with noble acidity and tropical/citrous flavours in the nose. This must be  nearly sold-out although it was very recently introduced in the market, so in case you find a bottle do not miss the chance to combine it with your pasta, seafood or Asian dishes.
Wine Art Estate also produces a number of red wines as well as a balanced Rose that all make an intersting portfolio. We expect more in the following years from Wine Art Estate and we will be watching out for new wine-creations.

To be continued....

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